today आज

I am busy looking up for the cut off list of Delhi University under 83% just like other students who have just passed 12th, some with percentage above miracle and some with percentage taunted by our relatives and pados wali auntiमार्क्स तो कम रह गए बेटा.......हमने तो सोचा था नाम रोशन करेगी लड़की हमारा  .. लेकिन कोई बात नही किसी न किसी कॉलेज में तोह एडमिशन मिल ही जाएगा … " ....
Oh come on aunti how does your name even matter in my "already sucking cum beautiful " life?? 
So not as expected , I AM eligible for getting an admission into two colleges of DU .... Thankfully
Though I cleared NIFT , i.e. National Institute of Fashion Technology but as it in itself is a very controversial degree it has created a chaos in me too....
Now you must be thinking that i didn't really briefed you upon the dilemma... well, it has eaten up my left over brain too so i just try to avoid it....
So in my SOCIETY there is a balanced 50-50 percent of people who want me to take admission in NIFT and the ones who want me to be in DU...
Isn't it funny to decide about my college admission based on the people who have always taunted me??...
Some people say that clearing NIFT is a DIAMOND opportunity and some say that DU is a stable education and i must not think of anything else...Some say NIFT  किया तो सब कुछ किया and some say  NIFT  किया तो क्या किया ?? ... and you know what?? Due to all this I myself have forgotten what I want for ME??
Let us see what "ज़िन्दगी  my life" is going to show me next??